Sunday Service 10:30am
Prayer- Wednesday 6pm
Bible study-Wednesdays 7pm
Men's Revive Fellowship-
First Saturday of each month 8am
Women of Empowerment Fellowship-
Second Friday of each month 6pm
Prayer- Wednesday 6pm
Bible study-Wednesdays 7pm
Men's Revive Fellowship-
First Saturday of each month 8am
Women of Empowerment Fellowship-
Second Friday of each month 6pm

We want to empower, uplift, and show the love of Christ to all people. We want to build up our community with love and work together in unity. We want this to be a safe haven to ALL people without judgement. Where people will receive hope, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement! Reaching our youth and giving them a safe place to come to do homework and vacation bible school. Loving our kids. They are our kids, these children are the next generation.

We are a ministry that brings awareness and provides resources to our community and to our surrounding communities to strengthen the mind, body and soul. We spread the Good News to all, and show the love of Christ by encouraging, empowering, and uplifting God's people regardless of their background. We help other surrounding churches and communities with outreach activities. It's about standing together to build up the Kingdom of God so that our voices are louder then the world's.

Click for more info
The spirit of the lord is upon us, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see that the oppressed will be set free. Luke 4:18

Tithes, Offerings or Donation
But this I say, he who soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly. and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6

Mark your family present for today's events